The Copper River
One of the longest Salmon routes from sea to spawning grounds in the world. The Salmon here are extremely well-fed during the winter months when they feed at sea. They arrive in May to September with an extra thick layer of fatty tissue to help them survive their journey. They are also adapted with strong muscles to power their 300-mile journey to the spawning grounds. This translates to a culinary experience like no other. It really sets us apart from salmon sourced from other areas. The quality of our fish is simply unmatched.
The Gall Family
With a lifetime of experience, Captain TJ and the Gall family are equipped with the knowledge and the best equipment to sustainably fish this prestigious area. When you order from us, you know you're getting the world's greatest fish caught by an experienced fishing family. There simply is no better salmon, anywhere.
The Gall Heritage
This fishing vessel, "The Linda Lee" was in our family during the 1960s through to the 1980s. "The Linda Lee" fished the Prince William Sound as we do today. We are proud to continue this tradition that has been in our family for many years. In the background, you can see the beginnings of Chenega Village, after the devastating earthquake and tsunami that wiped out the original village in 1964.
Our Vessel
FV TWISTED METAL - A 32-foot aluminum jet-powered fishing vessel, jet-powered to avoid churning up the relatively shallow river delta, leaving the delicate riverbed untouched as we harvest the best salmon in the world.
Copper River Chinook (King)
Chinook Salmon, Also known as King,
Prized for its exceptionally high fat content, juicy texture and beautifully rich flavor.
The Chinook is the largest of the three species and boasts the highest fat content of the three species we fish at Sleepy Bay. Best cooked simply, its full flavor profile will satisfy connoisseurs and bring everyone to your table to try some of this luxurious fish.
Sold in the finest restaurants worldwide, this fish is a world-famous culinary delight.
King Salmon are caught between May and June.
They weigh 25lb on average and range between 10-50 lbs.
Copper River Sockeye (Red)
Sockeye Salmon - Also known as Red salmon.
Sockeye is bold and rich in flavor, with a firm texture that makes it perfectly suit any cooking method.
With its bright red meat and standout flavor, this fish is the most abundant in the Copper River, spawning in great numbers.
Due to its firm texture, this fish is a summer barbecue favorite, pairing well with baked vegetables, and seasoned with subtle flavored herbs.
Sockeye Salmon are caught between May and July.
They weigh 6lb on average and range between 4-6 lbs.
Copper River Coho (Silver)
Coho Salmon, also known as Silver Salmon.
With a mild flavor and delicate texture, this affordable, late-season species will please all diners. The large Silver Coho are the last to return to the Copper and have been enjoyed for generations.
Often served grilled, the versatile flavor profile can be paired with many different foods, be it salsa or something more traditional.
These fish are late showing up compared to the other species and have been traditionally enjoyed in autumn.
Coho Salmon are caught between July and September.
They weigh 12lb on average and range between 5-18 lbs.